Thursday, May 30, 2013


So Pitmad was Tuesday.

I happily annoyed my Twitter followers all day by tweeting my pitch. If you haven't heard of Pitmad go look it up. The hashtag is simply #pitmad . I met a lot of new writer friends, cheered on old ones, and saw a bunch of pitches that made me want to read people's MSs. It was a ton of nervous fun!

I ended the day with new friends and a couple favorites (meaning an agent/pub is interested seeing more), so I count it as a successful day for me.

And if you're sad you miss it...

Fear not, there's another #Pitmad in September and I think there's a #Pitchmas in July, so polish those MSs & Pitches and have some fun!

Did any of you participate? What did you think of it?

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